To be, or not to be, that is the question:
whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune,
or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing end
them: to die, to sleep,
to sleep, perchance to dream; ah, the ...
You get the idea.你應該明白瞭吧~
The MicroMachine Man, here,
presenting a genuine original,
colossally collectible, most
midget miniature replicas
of the real things ...
A lot of people know me
as the MicroMachine Man,
or the FedEx guy, or "Terrible" Testeverde
from Saved by the Bell, or
just that guy who talks fast.
In fact, I was in the Guinness Book 吉尼斯世界紀錄
as the world's fastest talker, 速說之王
and so, for the last 40 years,
if you needed a fast talker,
I was your go-to guy. 你要找的人
Is that okay, did you
get everything you need?
I mean, I can repeat it again if you want.
You sure you don't want me to do it again?
Because I could do it again ...
(stopwatch ticking)
When I was 12 years old,
I wanted to get into the
Guinness Book of World Records.
So I figured the only
thing I could really do,
since I wasn't gonna eat a
car or swallow a lead pipe,
was to lock myself in a room
and teach myself fast talking.
And I did that with the Hamlet soliloquy.
To be or, or not to be,
that is the question.
To be or, or not to be,
that is the question.
(overlapping speech)
Years later,車隊管理app I'm at this
party, fancy California,
Beverly Hills party, and a friend of mine
is trying to pick up this Valley girl.
He's from New York and
talking pretty quickly,
and she looks at him and says,
“Like, oh my gosh, are you, like,”
“the world's fastest talker?”
And he says, “No, as a matter
of fact, this person is”
They called me over and I did
one of my little party routines.
(mumbles tongue twister)
And a guy walked ove汽車監控appr, and
he says, "That's incredible!
"I'm a producer, and I'm
gonna put you on a show."
I went on the show, and
I did the fast-talking,
thinking that would be it,
and all of a sudden the
phone starts ringing.
I'm booked all over the place,
and I manage to make a living out of it!
(lively percussion)
I can speak as fast as 11 words a second.
Now, I never do 11 words a second for TV,
but let me do Peter Piper
at 11 words a second.
(mumbles tongue twister)
You can kinda hear me going puh-puh-puh,
but that's really all
you're kinda getting.
But when you do TV, there's
visual reinforcement;
people see you and do whatever,
so I do about seven to
eight words a second.
That would sound something like ...
Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled peppers;
a peck of pickled pepper
did Peter Piper pick;
if Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled pepper,
where's the peck of pickled
peppers Peter Piper picked?
Now, on radio, I have to
do it even a little slower,
because you have no visual reinforcement;
you're not seeing me.
So then I do about five
to six words a second,
so it sounds something like ...
Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled peppers;
a peck of pickled pepper
did Peter Piper pick;
if Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled pepper,
where's the peck of pickled
peppers Peter Piper picked?
And that's kinda the secret
to my success, because ...
if you can't understand what I'm saying,
they're not gonna pay me the big bucks.
(frenetic blips)
Then, the very first commercial I did
was the Federal Express commercial.
Okay, you, there's travel plans.
I need to be in New York
on Monday, LA on Tuesday,
New York on Wednesday, LA on Thursday ...
It is, to this day, the most
award-winning commercial
in the history of advertising.
The final scene, I'm
sitting behind a desk,
and I'm going, you know,
"Dave, what's the deal
"with the deal, are we dealing?
"Dave, it's a deal with Don.
"If it's a deal with Doc.
It's a deal, good, I'm putting you down.
It's a deal with Dick;
Dick, what's deal with ...
So I did the thing like 29
times without making a mistake.
And the director said to me,
"What, are you like a machine?
"You never make a mistake?
I said, "You want a mistake?
"I'll give you a mistake the next time."
So I said, "Dave, it's a dork
with Dick, Don, and duck."
And that's the take he ended
up putting in the commercial.
It's a deal with Dave, Dick, and Dave.
Don, it's a dock with
Dick, Dave, and duck.
(tape rewinding)
Don it's a dock with Dick, Dave, and duck.
The first time I saw it, I called him.
He said, "John, it's our little secret."
Although I'm known as the
world's fastest talker,
I do not choose to live my
entire life in the fast lane.
Sometimes I just like to
take it all a little slower.
But sometimes it's really,
really, really good
to be fast.
(cheerful electronic music)
沒有來不來得及,隻有是不是全力以赴。看看他們的 提分速度。
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